Postoperative pain should not be a concern

It is not uncommon to experience some pain after surgery. This pain is called postoperative or surgical pain.

Multimodal pain treatment

Multimodal pain treatment
Postoperative pain may be caused by the damage done to the tissue (from the incision), the procedure itself and the closing of the wound. Today, there exists a variety of medical options to treat pain adequately after surgery. Different modalities can be combined, which is called "multimodal" pain treatment. You should not be concerned about suffering postoperative pain.

Talk about it with your doctor. The doctor will discuss different treatment options with you.

How is postoperative pain measured?

Pain sensation is very personal. The doctor or nurse will ask you to indicate the intensity of pain you experience on a scale (see below an example of a visual analogue scale). They may adjust the treatment accordingly.
measuring postoperative pain

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